International maintrac Online Forum - Q4/2024

Welcome to our online forum:

maintrac and stemtrac – Answers to the Most Frequently Questions

As the end of the year approaches, we would like to invite you to participate in a brief review of the maintrac and stemtrac methods, presented in the form of the most frequently asked questions and answers.

You will of course have the opportunity to ask us questions about current topics, discuss clinical cases with Prof. Pachmann, and exchange insights with colleagues in the field.

03.12.2024 , 10 AM MEZ (Berlin)
03.12.2024 , 9 AM GMT (London)
03.12.2024 , 4 AM EST (New York)
03.12.2024 , 20 PM AEDT (Sydney)

If you have any questions during the forum please ask them in writing in the chat. We will respond to every question as quickly as possible.

This presentation will be recorded. If you do not want your picture and name to be shown please do not turn on your camera and use a pseudonym in the chat.

Your maintrac team

The meeting will be activated half an hour before the start.

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