International maintrac Online Forum - Q1/2025

Welcome to our online forum:

Assessment of Tumor Aggressiveness and Risk of Recurrence in Cancer Using stemtrac®

Q1 - March 25th, 2025
9 AM MEZ (Berlin)
8 AM GMT (London)
3 AM EST (New York)
7 PM AEST (Brisbane)
8 PM AEDT (Sydney)


Q1 - March 25th, 2025
6 PM MEZ (Berlin)
5 PM GMT (London)
12 PM EST (New York)

Q1 - March 26th, 2025
4 AM AEDT (Sydney)
3 AM AEST (Brisbane)

Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Pachmann

This is the first online forum of a four-part series in 2025.

We would like to introduce you to the possibilities of assessing tumor aggressiveness and the risk of cancer recurrence using the innovative stemtrac® technology. Not only will you be presented with exciting clinical case studies, but will also get an exclusive look behind the scenes of current research.

We look forward to your participation and scientific exchange.

Your maintrac team

The meeting will be activated half an hour before the start.

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